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5 Reasons Every Lawyer Should Have a Legal Blog

81% of people research legal services online before contacting an attorney. To ensure they choose you, consider the power of a legal blog.


Did you know that websites with informative, high-quality content receive 434% more indexed pages, leading to a significant improvement in your Google search ranking and visibility? However, only one in three law firms have a blog, and even fewer are well-maintained. This presents a unique opportunity for you to stand out in the digital space. 


Imagine having a platform that not only informs readers about your services but also converts them into clients. A legal blog can do just that, serving as a powerful tool in your client acquisition strategy. 


But that’s one reason you should consider starting or reviving your legal blog. Here are five more:


1. Establish Thought Leadership

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Think of your legal blog as your digital podium. It’s your space to showcase your depth of knowledge and expertise in your chosen legal field. There’s so much you can do with it. 

You can…

  • Create a blog series around specific topics or policies 
  • Deliver your in-depth legal analysis on issues important to your audience
  • Break down complex legal topics to make them easily understandable

And much more. 

Need more ideas? Schedule a free consultation


2. Earn Your Audience’s Trust 


People are more likely to do business with those they like, know, and trust. Trust is paramount in law. 

Your audience seeks someone to represent them and provide informed legal counsel. Maintaining a legal blog with valuable content is not just about educating readers; it’s about building trust and credibility. When readers keep turning to your blog for answers, they’re far more likely to entrust you with their legal matters — and recommend your services to others. 

3. Long-Term Value

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Paid advertising is expensive, especially for lawyers! 

For example, suppose you were to run a cost-per-click ad campaign to rank prominent on Google’s search for the queries Washington personal injury lawyer or personal injury lawyer Washington. You’d have to pay an average of $37.86 and $75.45 per click, respectively. 

If you’re budgeting for 100 clicks for personal injury lawyer Washington, it’ll cost you $7,545. Not every click results in a new client. Most clicks don’t. 

Also, once your ad campaign ends, you stop generating traffic.

If you hire a legal blog writer, this kind of money will get you a ton of blog copy and you’ll continue to attract visitors in perpetuity. It’s a long-term investment in your online presence and client attraction strategy. 

4. Stay Current

The law is constantly evolving. New precedents, regulations, and trends emerge regularly. Show your audience that you’re staying ahead of the curve by discussing recent developments, offering insights on emerging legal issues (there’s no shortage of those these days!), and analyzing landmark cases.

By keeping your finger on the proverbial pulse of the law, you’re proving to readers that you’re a forward-thinking practitioner. 

5. Leave Your Lasting Legacy

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Your legal blog serves as your digital legacy. Each post you publish is a timeless resource that’s accessible to anyone seeking guidance on legal matters. While some content will need updating, evergreen content remains relevant for generations. 

By contributing to the collective knowledge of your profession, you’re making a lasting imprint on the legal community and solidifying yourself as a thought leader in your field. 


Start and Elevate Your Legal Blog with Anthony Writes Content


Are you ready to leave a lasting legacy but lack the time or desire to write your own content? 

Then don’t! 

Save time, increase visibility, and grow your legal blog with Anthony Writes Content. Let’s start with a kickoff call to discuss you, your business, your audience, and your competitors. From there, I conduct competitor and keyword research to identify the gaps and opportunities where you can thrive. 

Ready to get started? Send me a message.